Zhenghao's Blog

Why I blog

June 09, 2020


A small confession on my part, I am always jealous of people who have a significant amount of audience, and people who inspire other people. Being able to be heard by a massive amount of followers is such a source of happiness I would imagine. Because I just love being considered informative and helping. Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting I am in a position of authority or anything like that. I am not an expert in anything that I do. But I aspire to be someone who have a lot of valuable information to share and any topic he touches on will likely be useful to other people.

By any metrics, I cannot point to specific concrete benefits I will get from all these writing. It’s not like grinding on Leetcode that can get you into one of those big tech companies one day. I won’t get a pay raise either. In addition, as you have probably noticed, I am writing in English, and it is not my native language, which makes writing even harder. I didn’t come to Canada until the age of 22. When I am writing in English, I have to constantly look stuff up on dictionaries and twitter, to check if a sentence sounds odd or the wording is idiomatic. Overall, the cost-benefit ratio of writing for me is immensely low, at least for now. But I am sure it will get better over time. One of the goals of this blog is to improve my English writing skills. However you will find me writing stuff on here in Chinese from time to time.

So, welcome again to my humble abode on the internet. I am Zhenghao, a front end software engineer working at Amazon. This is my first post on here. It feels so good to have my own corner of the internet for the first time.

a random picture
a picture that I took at a RYOJI IKEADA's solo exhibition at Taipei